Which Are the Direction of Recovery and Encouraging of Economic Growth? Case of Albania, Croatia and FYROM

Lorena Pashollari

Abstract The recovery of economy is the most important issue for the moment, especially for the Balkan countries. The spreading of the crisis followed the predictable pattern whereby the lack of financing meant slower development, lower demand in the world market meant shrinking exports, while decreased output meant lower public revenues. Being that the economies of the Balkan countries are related with other European countries, the crisis was more evident than the prediction, because these economies are based on export-import, tourism and remittances. So they suffered the global crisis consequences a lot more. The main objective of this paper is to give some recommendations of what actions should they take to overcome the crisis. Some other objectives are: to analyze the present situation, to define the most attractive sectors to invest in, to determine the essential sectors which would help the economies to recover.
Keywords Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, recovery, global crisis, GDP, Government support, Anti-crisis measures
JEL Classification A1, O11, O42
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