The Impact of Regulatory Environment on Business Activity (Efforts to Establish a Ria System)

Dorina KOÇI (JANKU), Edlira LUÇI

Abstract The main purpose of this paper is, to offer a comparative analysis of reforms undertaken by different European countries (especially Balkan countries), through an interpreter and descriptive analysis using the data set provided by Doing Business Report (2013) in order to evaluate the position of Albania towards its neighbors. The comparison will cover two sides: what has been done (reforms making it easier to do business) and what must be done in the future. Subsequently, the importance of regulatory reforms describing the main benefits of a reform impact assessment (RIA) process will be in focus of the paper. It is important for governments not only to implement a policy but also to understand and evaluate how well this policy will work.
Keywords Business Activity, Regulatory, RIA
JEL classification R38
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