The Influence of Net Exports on the Economic Growth of Albania

Filloreta MADANI, Oltiana MUHARREMI

Abstract Economic growth is often seen as an increase in GDP. There are a number of important factors related to the financial sector that directly affect the GDP. One of the most important factors affecting GDP is Net exports. Albania’s trade balance is negative. The European Union countries are Albania’s main trading partners, especially our neighbors-Italy and Greece due to subcontracting manufacturers in our territories where there’s a use of the cheap labor. Other trading partners include China, Macedonia, Germany and Turkey. Another important element influencing the GDP is foreign direct investment (FDI), which have in recent years a growing trend The Primary target of this material is to analyze the impact of exports, imports and FDI in GDP and the extent of this impact. Another objective is to evaluate the partner countries that are the closest to Albania’s foreign trade in terms of exports of Albanian products to these countries.
Keywords gross domestic product (GDP), imports, exports, foreign direct investment (FDI)
JEL classification F 42, F43
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